R-Eins shows

Hans-Georg Schaefer makulaturverlag@...
Fri Feb 22 15:41:49 CET 2019

Hey CK and Stuart,

thanks for your answers.
And Stuart, yes i saw this side and really started to work with it. I
copy it to a texteditor to fill the gaps and to get an overview about my
own cassettes. its really helpfull. i guess at some point i can give
some informations back about the research i´m doing right now :-)
Thanks for Help!

Am 22.02.19 um 02:48 schrieb stuartb@... [peel]:
> Hi did you see this
> <https://peel.fandom.com/wiki/Radio_Eins_Show_Dates_And_Numbers>page,
> a list of all the shows I created with a spreadsheet and includes the
> numbers of the shows where these came from the old Radio Eins website.
> I have occasionally been converting the web format shows to individual
> show pages, using Notepad and a good deal of search and replace!
> Stuart

Hans-Georg Schaefer
Graefe-Str. 14
10967 Berlin
T   030.98 35 93 50
M  0157.50126245

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