Festive 50 1977 top 14

billfromnorthwales@... billfromnorthwales@...
Fri Sep 1 21:18:34 CEST 2017

Hello Rhythm Pals

Steven was kind enough to send me the original tape for the Peel proto Festive 50 top 15, so I had a go at getting a better rip and the result is here, as Flac and mp3

http://www.peel.mooo.com/peelgroup/BillfromNorthWales/03%20Tapes/McClachlan%20Tape/ http://www.peel.mooo.com/peelgroup/BillfromNorthWales/03%20Tapes/McClachlan%20Tape/

The cassette was an "EMISTAR" (not sure if any relation to the EMI group type - no logo), but had help up very well over the last 40 years, and was very well recorded on good equipment I am sure

Thanks to Steven for sending the priceless item to preserve

Always happy to help if any of our Prime ripping teams have problem tapes, or if anyone else has a reel to reel or cassette they'd like send.

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