Glastonbury 2002-06-28 Peel Links only

haze.harrison@... haze.harrison@...
Thu May 19 10:26:57 CEST 2016

New, working link for this..... Glasto_2002-06-28_Links.wmv 
 Glasto_2002-06-28_Links.wmv MediaFire is a simple to use free service that lets you put all your photos, documents, music, and video in a single place so you can access them anywhe...
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 I think I promised this over a year ago! 
 Here is a 19 minute compilation of JP links from a two hour show on the evening of 2002-06-28

 I can't upload the whole show as my internet connect is far too slow but I'm happy to burn a DVD that we can pass around the group to anyone who wants it.

 I have some more VHS of Peel to work on and hopefully I'll be a bit quicker with the next lot....


 Enjoy, Haze


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