Obscure Track ID

RobF robfleay@...
Fri Dec 23 00:47:26 CET 2016

For those that enjoy a challenge..

I was doing some hard drive tidy up whilst ripping these World Service
tapes and I came across an old WordPerfect file that I'd made for a
compilation tape I'd put together for someone in early 1994

Most of the tracks were from CDs I owned, but there were 3 tracks I'd
totally forgotten about and I must have taped of John Peel (as I don't own
them). I tracked down the first two and, despite the fact I haven't heard
them in well over 20 years they were instantly familiar

The two I found were
*THE CARNABEATS- I Love You Everyday*, Sandy (Japanese 60's Psych)
*OLIVER- Freezing Cold Like An Iceberg* (obscure British Folk-Blues)

both excellent - but the third track is eluding me completely.
*JAVA CORTE K'THUMBA- Bamba Wai Chaiboi*

Searched Google, Peel Wikia and Discogs but can't find anything at all

Anyone recognise it? (entirely possible the spelling is wrong but this is
what I had in the file)

Obviously the tape went off to whoever I made it for and I don't have any
audio to ID the track from any more

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