[peel] Re: Billy Bragg John Peel Mushroom Biryani Date

Stuart Brooks stuartb@...
Tue Oct 27 22:24:02 CET 2015

It's one I taped from one of the Peel Shows in Peel Early Sep 1983 (in my mixtape of the same name), missed the track and artist names at the time, and have been trying to work it out ever since! Nobody at the group could ID and the distinctive lyrics come up with no hits on Google. It's either at the end of 6th Sept or beginning of 7th.
It would be immensely cheeky of me to ask you to check it out for me but if I knew the shows were there then I know I could make a request next time I knew I was going to be in London (which is rare)
The show of  the 6th also has the most sublime soukous track also non identified 

On 27 October 2015 20:56:49 GMT+00:00, "johnpeel3904@... [peel]" <peel@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
>I went to the British Library and I forgot completely about asking them
>for the 1983 shows. Anyway I'll email them to see if they have copies
>for me to listen. By the way what's your connection to the Yvonne
>track, I am intrigued to know !!

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