Tracing BBC material

pauliesarchive@... pauliesarchive@...
Wed Oct 8 12:42:08 CEST 2014

I'm still in the process of 'digitising' my In Concert collection but have a question relating to some of the shows I have. A lot of the stuff can be identified using the BBC Radio International search page. However, some shows don't show up on there, so I'm assuming that the data on the BBC Radio International page refers only to concerts that were made into Transcription Discs and quite a few shows that I recorded - although clearly BBC recordings - weren't made into Transcription Discs and therefore aren't showing. Would I be correct in assuming that?

 If my assumption is correct, does anyone know of any other web-based resources where I would be able to verify some of the shows I have that don't appear in the BBC Radio International Page?

 Hope you understood that!

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