[peel] Fill Her Her Up, Jacko

MARK LUETCHFORD M.Luetchford@...
Tue Oct 29 00:08:27 CET 2013

thank you - and personally, even if I don't have a chance to listen to all this embarrassment of riches now, I think it is best to put everything we can up - I think many of us are busy on listings and loadings and rippings and profilings but the BFBS shows were put together with such care and are gems of shows that would be a shame not to share them. 

I  wondered how many forces folk actually listened to them at the time. I suspect they had more of a local listenership which brings me to a question that I know you lot will know the answer to - do we know any listener numbers for the various shows? I think part of his charm was that you often felt you were the only listener but I would be interested to know how many they think listened to shows, indeed did they ever try and estimate and if so how and what was the results. How much of a minority pursuit were they? There is probably a page all about this already ... 

 From: "so_it_goes_2512@..." <so_it_goes_2512@...>
To: peel@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Monday, 28 October 2013, 21:48
Subject: [peel] Fill Her Her Up, Jacko

Stuart recently remarked on 1998 being the driest year for recordings since 1977. Thanks to Isector, that is about to change.

07 January 1998 (Girlfrendo) has been made available previously, but this recording is just under half  an hour longer. 13 January 1998 (Lovejunk) is new to the catalogue, whereas user Razorbladealley promised us a recording (in 2010) of 14 January 1998 (To Rococo Rot), and this one covers virtually the same ground. 02 April 1998 (Aerial M) is also new to the roster, as is 28 April 1998, which features live down the line tracks from the Leopards and Dawn Of The Replicants. Many thanks to our hero for filling in so many gaps in Peel's radio history!

Best wishes
Steve (TK)

P.S. If any of you want more BFBS material, please let me know, as I don't want to put them up if there's no demand.

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