Johnny Clarke on 6Music

Humphrey thebarguest@...
Sat Jun 2 23:16:24 CEST 2012

Just watched the BBC6 docu on JCC - brilliant. His radio shows are a mixed bag for me - some great new-wave / classics but loads of soul music as well ... each to their own I suppose .. His 2 late 70's albums with (the brilliant) Martin Hannett musical production are essential !
In the docu, the "famous" faces were saying that 'Beazley Street' was an analysis of "Thatcher's Britain" (even though the song came out in 1978, before Thatch) - places like that have always been with us, good times and bad ('the poor are always with us') ; yet more media lies !! Nice to see Steve Coogan praising JCC (with his new Manc accent) !! Saw JJC supporting The (mighty) Fall in L'pool a few years ago and he was (word-unknown : greater than great/brilliant) esp. the stand-up comedy routine, everyone was guffawing. BBC - give him a series, for f*ck sake !!!!

--- In, Eddie Duffy <eddie.duffy@...> wrote:
> I grabbed all four of these, and can put them up if you like. Bear with me
> though, as I'm in the process of rebuilding my online life after a frazzled
> laptop.
> It's worth checking the iPlayer for JCC at the moment, as the Beeb's been
> all over him lately.
> Eddie.

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