[peel] Re: 6 Music Classic Concerts

Martin Wheatley martinw@...
Wed Jan 18 14:27:23 CET 2012

Since we are onto 6Music sessions lets do it properly  Details of recent
broadcasts and links to the playlists are in the URLS


Marc Riley 7-9

Usually has a new sessions plus 4 old sessions broadcast one track
from each a night (unless he forgets!) across the week


Gideon Coe   9-12

Often an extra track from the new session  (usually broadcast in the 
last 10 minutes)
+ a full Peel session  (this is on;ly been done recently) and a 
couple of tracks
from other sessions but not complete sessions.  There is also a live 
section but this is
usually only 3 or 4 songs not the complete concert


Every night of the week

4AM - 5AM

A 30 minute concert (sometimes from an original longer one)
and 2 old sessions


2AM Friday

A one hour concert



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