Silent gratitude broken

billfromnorthwales bilko@...
Sat Feb 25 22:52:18 CET 2012

Hello again fellow Peelites.

I have been away for a short while (new PC but just got all my old links
and p/w to where they were), but already it looks like an exciting year
with Peel and Concert boxes of tapes coming to light.

Also a big thanks to the Wiki contributors and those who have provided
new shows. It is a pity that there is no way to thank the contributers
without feeling that you are clogging up the messages, but heartfelt
thanks from me.

Because it is really good to get that positive re-enforcement to avaoid
the dreaded F.O.B.I.A
(Fear of Being Ignored Again).

Now I go way off topic sometimes, and so I know my Venn diagram of
interests may not overlap with this eclectic group, and I was maybe
rightly blanked on these two, but I think they are really interesting
and  deserve  a second mention.

Anne Nightingale (Peace on Earth 1985)

Radio 1 Dancehall Nite 28 December 1997

Hopefully, though at least the joined-up- shows were helpful.

Joined up shows

Thank you again to all contributors


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