[peel] Re: TOTP 1968

stephen phythian theallnewadventuresofspp@...
Sun Jun 26 16:30:01 CEST 2011

Incidentally the correct date of the show is 23.5.68.
Once again thanks for this. I've got some friends quite big on TOTP who are quite excited about this because like I said it's a show that doesn't exist in any other form. If you've any other clips lurking on tapes anywhere it'd be great to hear them.

--- On Sun, 26/6/11, Alan Ford <ford.alan@...> wrote:

From: Alan Ford <ford.alan@...>
Subject: Re: [peel] Re: TOTP 1968
To: peel@yahoogroups.com
Date: Sunday, 26 June, 2011, 15:08



      I used to record OGWT through a mic, initially on a reel-to-reel (but I only had one tape) and then on a portable using 10p cassettes from Boots. Most weeks I'd get my Mum on there asking me to turn it down, and shouldn't-I-be-in-bed-anyway! I found a box of the tapes when we moved house a few years ago, but think I probably binned 'em.


On Sun, Jun 26, 2011 at 1:51 PM, haze_harrison <haze.harrison@btinternet.com> wrote:



      Recorded with a Elizabethan 4 track and a tiny microphone pointed at the tele...

--- In peel@yahoogroups.com, stephen phythian <theallnewadventuresofspp@...> wrote:


> Thanks for this. The sound quality's really good  as well. Old TOTP audio is always really appreciated as so little visual footage from this era exists (complete shows anyway).


> --- On Sun, 26/6/11, haze_harrison <haze.harrison@...> wrote:


> From: haze_harrison <haze.harrison@...>

> Subject: [peel] TOTP 1968

> To: peel@yahoogroups.com

> Date: Sunday, 26 June, 2011, 2:12


















>       The mention of reel to reel, reminded me of this audio recording of TOTP from June 1968 that I pulled off an old r2r tape. Presented by Jimmy Saville aided by Mickey Dolenz...


> Haze









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