My Peel Listeners' Survey: Can you spare me 10 minutes of your time?

ken_garner ken_garner@...
Sat Jun 19 16:50:21 CEST 2010

hi steve, yes i think you can do the new version too, and please do so! Let me know if it lets you, i think it should...


--- In, "So It Goes 2512" <so_it_goes_2512@...> wrote:
> Hi Ken
> Having already completed the survey, do you need me to do it again, now there is a new and improved version?
> Best wishes
> Steve [TK]
> --- In, "ken_garner" <ken_garner@> wrote:
> >
> > I wonder if I could bother members of this group for a few minutes' help in my current Peel-related bit of research? I am kind of hoping any of you who felt you got at least 10 minutes' please from reading my PEEL SESSIONS book might be willing to give me that short space of time back over the next few days! (if that does not sound too cheeky). I am giving a paper early next month at an academic conference on radio and TV archiving, in Madison, WI, USA, all about what I believe is the extraordinary phenomenon of Peel tape documenting and sharing online that has grown exponentially in the past few years. So I need evidence from the people doing it or involved in it: you. I have created a little survey on survey monkey which I'd really appreciate if as many of you as could might fill in. I've just finished a dummy test run with the help of Stu, Rocker, Steve, Steve and Phil, which revealed some structural glitches which, with their and my missus's help, I think I have now fixed, so it's ready to roll. It should not take more than ten minutes to do. You just tick the boxes. But there is a blank final "Any other comments?" box too. And you can always email me off list privately, or post any other responses or reflections prompted by it, here, I suppose. It's in 4 sections. At least half the questions are just about listening to Peel, so please feel free to forward it to anyone you know off-list, via facebook etc, who was a Peel listener at some point, but not necessarily active here. If that gives a broader spread of response it may also help put the views of those of us here assembled who are more committed in a more balanced context anyway. Whatever, enough waffling, here's the link below. Go to it, please. You can go back and redo question or sections as you go through it, but only submit one completed response. I am hoping for 100 responses by 4 July! Thanks, and let me know what you think,
> > 
> > ken
> > 
> >
> >

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