[peel] Brevity is of the essence

Mike Parker parkermike81@...
Tue Dec 28 11:13:28 CET 2010

i think your right clicking on the wiki link as document by mistake which will bring up the html rather than the mooo link after, other than that try going to steves shows direct to the mooo server,thanks to the two steves too for the latest batch and highlighting the peel moments on the bbc 6 show,be good if someone could capture those clips on mp3.
mp.-- On Tue, 28/12/10, Alan Ford <ford.alan@...> wrote:

From: Alan Ford <ford.alan@...>
Subject: Re: [peel] Brevity is of the essence
To: peel@yahoogroups.com
Date: Tuesday, 28 December, 2010, 9:12


I am trying to download this show, but have a problem.
If I left click on the Mooo link, my browser just starts to play the mp3, and if I 'right click/save as' it downloads an htm file.
Can anyone tell me where I'm going wrong?

On Wed, Dec 1, 2010 at 1:42 AM, So It Goes 2512 <so_it_goes_2512@...> wrote:


Fellow Peelites

Another golden nugget from Isector, this only missing the first 10 minutes.

Date: 18 June 1993
Sessions: Dr. Phibes & The House Of Wax Equations, Huggy Bear
Phantom 50: #5
Wiki: http://peel.wikia.com/wiki/18_June_1993

Enjoy the snow!
>From foggy South Korea

Best wishes
Steve (TK)


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