A Peel Mixtape from 1982

Steve so_it_goes_2512@...
Wed Jun 3 04:49:02 CEST 2009

Welcome aboard mate!

Steve [TK]

--- In peel@yahoogroups.com, "m.luetchford@..." <M.Luetchford@...> wrote:
> --- In peel@yahoogroups.com, "Steve" <so_it_goes_2512@> wrote:
> >
> > Fellow Peelites
> > 
> > What it says on the tin. Mark was at the same Uni at the same time that I was, but in a different college. He made this compilation of various sessions and Peel plays, and has several more. Dates are largely unknown (and it's not entirely October 1982), but it's an enjoyable romp. Despite his reservations, the quality is not all that bad.
> > 
> > Track list and links: http://peel.wikia.com/wiki/Peel_Oct_1982
> > 
> > Best wishes and thanks to Mark for considerable ripping efforts!
> > 
>  Steve [TK]
> >
> Mark here - I recorded the songs that grabbed me - not whole shows and am starting to rip about 10 tapes from 1981 and smatterings later. I hope that I have found a home where I can while away my evenings listening to Mr Peel and helping to rebuild his work ... not a big fan of computers/the net etc. so will need help being directed to how I can be most useful once I have ripped the tapes I have.

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