Teenage Kicks: new home

Steve so_it_goes_2512@...
Thu Jan 29 15:43:26 CET 2009

Fellow Peelites

For those of you who read my Festive Fifty-oriented blog, it is now
accessible at:
I moved primarily because of trouble with the DMCA, but also because
the layout was more professional and eye-catching. None of which you
will be interested in, so just to say that the Blogger spot will be
deleted at the weekend. And bloody good riddance.

Best wishes
Steve [TK]

P.S. Does anybody know if Gary, the demi-God who orchestrated the
Radio Archive, is OK? I haven't heard from him since the beginning of
P.P.S. Following on from this, a message for Bill from North Wales:
please get in touch and tell me in terms simple enough for a six-year
old how to make a list for the Archive? Gary gave me full access, but
I've uploaded a load of shows from the 500 Box and I don't know how to
make these appear on the front page. Thanks in advance.

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