Dub reggae

bty997881 roger.carruthers@...
Sun Jan 18 22:08:52 CET 2009

(For the third f***ing time....!!)
See also:
Maybe this is paranoia, but i have tried to post these links twice before, and both times the 
posts have failed to appear.
 If there is some kind of moderation/censorship going on here, then would whoever is 
responsible please make yourself known! I am not condoning the illegal downloading of 
music; some people actually do visit music blogs to  try before buying, and here are two 
excellent places to visit if you are interested in dub.

 If, otoh, it's some technical gremlin that's making my posts invisible, I would love to know 
why I have to post, on average, three times to get a post to actually appear, if I post from 
home (by the web interface - I've given up trying through my email client), whereas I can 
usually get through first time if I post from work! Confused ? I am...

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