Unusual request on the Peel show

saipanda saipanda@...
Wed Apr 22 20:16:44 CEST 2009

Thinking about this, perhaps it would be clearer what is in the "latest batch" if I put the ripper's initials alongside the show on the main 400 Box page, as I've done on the separate 400 Box tapes page:


Everything used to be on the same page originally, but it just got to big. Should be easy enough to work it all out by cross-referencing the two pages. 


Steve W

--- In peel@yahoogroups.com, "saipanda" <saipanda@...> wrote:
> Hi Paul,
> Most shortcomings on the Wiki navigation are down to me, so sorry you're having trouble. Apologies to anyone else who's had similar problems.
> In this case, there's a couple of ways of going about things:
> 1. To search for the show being referred to, which includes "Ricky's Hand", input those two words into the Search box you can see at the top of the menu on the left of every page. This comes up with the following page, with one result:
> http://peel.wikia.com/wiki/Special:Search?search=ricky%27s+hand&go=1 
> Click on the 07 April 1980 link, which will take you to the date page with details of the show in question, file download link, etc.
> 2. More generally, to hunt down the latest 400 Box shows shared, go to the main 400 Box page (you can access this via the Shows link on the left side menu of every page):
> http://peel.wikia.com/wiki/400_Box
> At the top of the page, you'll see a Contents section. Click on 3 (Shows in order shared). This goes from the earliest ones by Rocker to the latest (by Bill, I think) in what should be roughly the correct order. Latest ones are at the bottom. Now up to 146 in varying states of completeness.
> Hope this all seems clear enough. I'm kind of working on a more extensive (and useful) User's guide, so hope to make a few things a bit clearer in that before too long. Well, sometime anyway. If anyone has any suggestions for this, please get in touch off-list.
> Once again, many thanks to all the 400 Box rippers and Rocker for al the hard work, plus all those who have helped out with Wiki tracklistings, Ken, Steve in Korea, Bill, etc, etc (imagine an Oscar speech)...
> Cheers,
> Steve W 
> --- In peel@yahoogroups.com, "dr_haywire" <paul.hayward@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In peel@yahoogroups.com, "thebarguest" <thebarguest@> wrote:
> > >
> > > I've been listening to the latest 400Box batch - excellent stuff.
> > > If anyone hasn't heard "Ricky's Hand" by Fad Gadget, you must do so
> > > before you die.
> > > 
> > 
> > Forgive me if I'm missing something completely obvious. I've been through the Wiki pages assuming I'm being technically deficient but where or how would a cove be able to listen to the latest 400 box batch
> >

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