2008 Peel Sessions Poll: more votes please!

Steve so_it_goes_2512@...
Sun Nov 16 02:24:25 CET 2008

Fellow Peelites

My poll has two weeks left to run, and my online form has been
downloaded nearly 200 times: yet to date I have only had 11 replies
and a curious increase in spam mail (I wonder if the two are related,
said he knowingly). In case you aren't aware of either me or my blog,
I'm the one who does the 500 Box rips, and my blog is 'Teenage Kicks'
at http://festivefifty.blogspot.com. The idea is for you to list your
five favourite Peel sessions of all time: the closing date I have set
is 30 November. Thanks in anticipation.

Best wishes
Steve [Teenage Kicks]

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