message sent

ken garner ken_garner@...
Fri Jul 11 13:02:16 CEST 2008

I've sent the following to the seller. No response as yet. I decided 
to keep it vague on the actual purchasing (bidding or whatever) to 
not offend protocol and give him room for maneouvre



Dear railway-rocks,

HI, my name's ken Garner. I wrote the recent official history of the 
peel sessions (THE PEEL SESSIONS, BBC Books, 2007). I've been asked 
to represent the world's largest community of Peel listeners - the 
John Peel Group on Yahoo - to inform you about our bid and proposals 
for the collection. The group has over 500 members and at least 30 of 
us have already agreed to contribute to this project. We would 
propose to collectively catalogue, digitise and review the tapes over 
the next 2 years. Then we would make any missing material unearthed 
in the collection (eg session tracks, complete or fragmentary shows, 
important fragments of John talking, etc) available digitally to the 
official BBC Radio 1 archive - I am in contact with the Radio 1 & 
Maida Vale archists. We would then offer the original tapes to Sheila 
and the family. Can you tell us the tape(s) quality? For the 
donation, John's favourite charities wer Amnesty and the Salvation 
Army, by the way. Let me know what you think.

- peellistener1960 

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