[peel] Re: RE:First-ever Night Ride 1968-03-06

Eddie Duffy eddie.duffy@...
Fri Aug 15 10:46:49 CEST 2008

Yeah, I thought I'd just give FLAC a try this time to see what the 
reaction was. As it's mono, and only a 1-hour show, the FLAC turned out 
quite a reasonable size, so I went with it. I must admit, my ears aren't 
sophisticated enough to pick up the difference between lossless and 320K 
MP3s either.

RobF wrote:
 >I'm with you Steve. I'm ripping tapes as we speak and I'm buggered if 
I can tell the difference between the mp3 and the flac versions. I know 
what Peel would have made of the discussion anyway.

Something like, "Listen mate, LIFE has loss"...?


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