[peel] sessions

Martin Wheatley martinw@...
Thu Apr 24 01:46:30 CEST 2008

>I've got sessions 2 and 3 I'll put them up tonight or tomorrow
>I used to have the first one but a CD corruption incident intervened

3D session   9-11-82


3D session  13-9-83


>If anyone has that it would be appreciated if they would make it available
> >Another hard to track-down session is a Seething Wells one from 1982
> >(I think) - lots of rants about Tetley Bittermen and the police.
> >Swells writes a regular column for the Guardian these days from his
> >home somewhere in the USA but I can't find the session - or anything
> >else (apart from the pisspoor Intolerance Tape).

Seething wells session   18-11-82



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