Done Lying Down sessions.

fearoffours fearoffours@...
Fri Apr 18 14:35:55 CEST 2008

Hello there,
Hoping someone can help me, and I'm afraid I don't have much to offer
in return, apart from eternal gratitude!

I discovered in Ken Garner's Peel Sessions book that one of my
favourite underrated groups, Done Lying Down had actually recorded 4
Peel sessions (rather than the 2 I recalled). Does anyone have
recordings of them? The whole show would be brilliant as I'd like to
hear John's comments on the tracks (as well as what else he might have
played on those nights), but failing that, the sessions alone would

As I said I have no surviving recordings of Peel shows, I was very
much a "tape, listen, record over the tape" person, though I do have
digital copies of Lammo and Mary Anne Hobbs on the 2 nights following
the announcement of Peel's death - but I should imagine most people
have these too!

The first broadcast dates of the shows in question are 
10/9/97 .

Thanks in advance!

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