John Peel Man of Bronze

deedeeramain deedeeramain@...
Fri Nov 30 01:26:53 CET 2007

I've long considered that a permanent memorial to an important part 
of our cultural heritage should commemorate John Peel. The current 
campaign to immortalise Tony Wilson in Manchester leads the way in 
showing that we need (and want!) contemporary heroes and figure-
heads to help define us (the lumpen proletariat!).
These guys demonstrated that the working class needn't be defined by 
the Sun/Star/Mirror and that we had our own artistic idols.
I'd like to start another thread within the Peel group regarding a 
permanent statue to Peel.
Whaddya think?!
The empty plinth in Trafalgar Square is perhaps a little grandiose 
(and I'm sure he would be mortifyed by embarrassment if that were 
suggested were he still alive!) and a bust at his beloved Anfield 
would perhaps be a little remote for non-footy fans so what do the 
Peel Group think?
We have enough staues commemorating the robber barons of the past 
and this guy stimulated / encouraged generations - surely that 
suggests a permanent tribute.
What substance and where, how big and how depicted?
All contributions welcome!


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