Givng Rob Da Bank A Bit Of Love...

Andrew Dean koogy@...
Wed Mar 7 14:37:56 CET 2007

>>Stuart Maconie's program on 6Music
>>beware of the prog!
> One advantage of 6Music is that they put up all the playlists
> so if you click a few recent Tracklistings on the Freakzone page
> you'll soon have an idea if you would like it or not

but that only works if you've heard of any of the artists listed and you 
assume you don't like what you don't know. the joy of freakzone (and the 
idea behind it judging by the name) is that it's almost entirely new to me. 
(see also: 'out on blue six') 

as for RDB, i didn't like him when he took over in the evenings. but as soon 
as i realised that he wasn't Peel and that he wasn't trying to be and 
listened to him for his own sake i started enjoying it (and he is still a 
highlight of the week). he's also the only person i've heard play Melt 
Banana on the radio since that october. 

there's still a ton of stuff i got used to hearing on peel's shows that i 
can't find broadcast anywhere else (or, if i can, it's broadcast as part of 
speciality shows (lamarr usually) where you get an hour of nothing but old 
rock n roll (for instance) rather than all mixed up). that's what i miss. 

(for the record: dandelion, slashmusic, kershaw, radcliffe, mary-anne hobs, 
da bank,, fab & groove and acres of mp3s)

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