VERY excited at finding this group...

emailjpatterson emailjpatterson@...
Mon Jan 30 10:27:22 CET 2006

Can I just say, that I am very excited at finding this group...since
John's death I've been searching for a way to get hold of full shows,
and snippets of his programmes, and it has proved really diffcult. I
also found it a huge irony that when I created a compilation tape when
I was younger, I would inevitably take great pains to get John's voice
off the tape - which of course was part of the reason for enjoying it
so much...I've found the JP blog over the weekend, thanks to the
group, and downloaded a few things which have made this morning's
journey to work much easier and enjoyable.

Do you guys do trees and stuff to distribute shows? What about
emailing the Beeb and asking them to broadcast archive shows? I'll try
yo avoid too may questions, but the idea that I might be able to get
some more Peel stuff has me very optimistic...and delighted to find
some like minded individuals...


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