[peel] Peel on One World

Neil Jenkins neil_jenkins.geo@...
Fri Oct 14 15:05:43 CEST 2005

Well, dip my elbows in custard and call me Smarmahar.  I uninstalled Net Transport, then re-install the bugger using my original executable, and now the RTSP thing works!!!!
Now I'm like the rest of you!  :-)

Martin Wheatley <martinwheatley@...> wrote:
At 09:14 14/10/2005, you wrote:

>I've checked my settings and really don't have a clue what it could 
>be.  Maybe I should simply re-install the damned thing,
>I downloaded Eddie's Net Transport EXE anyway, with Net Transport oddly!
>Thanks anyway for trying to help me with this.  Much appreciated.
A lot of routers block RTSP by default - it's a matter of getting the right 
ports open
It could be at your end or the ISPs


Best regards,


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