Peel DVD's

marine_b0y2000 charlatansriddle@...
Wed May 18 15:44:30 CEST 2005

Hi All
just had a message from 'Duffy' on the Cook'd and Bomb'd Forum about 
these multiple Peel DVDs he's planning on burning (equivalent to 55 
CDs worth!)

The plan to burn them to DVD is still on and he's gathering up the 
last few items he wants to put on them. Plus he's having burner 
problems at the moment.

Said I would act as a distribution point for our forum and mentioned 
that we have quite a good system going for burning and distributing 
such things . . .

He also said he intends to join this group soon, so we could be 
hearing from him shortly. I'll let you know if I hear more.

Keep it Peel


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