More Peel Finland shows

Luke Oliv lukeo@...
Sat May 7 23:13:42 CEST 2005

Hello fellow Peelsters,

Some of you maybe noticed Herra Gee's post about his Peel tape 
collection. I've made a deal with him to digitize and share the shows as 
we both want to help fellow Peel fans get access to his hard to get shows.

I've received the first batch of tapes from Herra Gee already and found 
out that the sound quality is superb even with the older tapes. There is 
some minor hiss that I'll remove with Adobe audition (which I also use 
for digitizing).

I would like to get feedback from you in what format you'd like to 
receive the shows and how. My own preference would be sharing the files 
as VBR quality 70 OGG stereo with t�rrents using the open tracker of 
P|rate Bay and FTP to those who can't access t�rrents. However I think 
the files might not stay up for long with that tracker so I welcome 
suggestions of other trackers that I could use.

Also if there is anyone who could help to identify airdates of shows 
(has tracklistings of shows) please contact as some of the shows lack 
the information of airdate.

Mr. Oliv

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