[peel] Peel books

Phyll Smith Phyll@...
Tue Jan 4 12:41:55 CET 2005

The Heatly biography seems to be a bit of a workhorse job, only read the
childhood bits so far but it seems to be three or four interviews strung
together with some bodgy bits of reasearch and the guy writes in the most
awfully bland way.  He hasn't checked a lot of his background facts (when
did rationing end?) and lines like "As any Harry Potter reader knows public
schools are run along the 'house' system".  A lot of nice quotes from Peel
though.  And it's padded out with testimonies from celebs and a list of
fetsive fifties.

Both the books are available discounted in the cheap sell through stores, i
picked this on up for �6.99 and the Works have the Mick Wall one for �9.

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