A Proposal to Peel list members

djhc2@... djhc2@...
Sun Oct 31 14:42:07 CET 2004

(... and I bet everyone else on the list is as gutted as me about the 
death announced this weekend of Princess Alice, aged 102...)

It's been a pretty dreadful week but along with the tributes pages on 
the BBC websites and various newspaper sites, the postings here have 
helped me to feel the importance of community. For those of us for 
whom Peel was important, he was *really* important. I've sent off my 
own tributes and cards but have only just about felt able to come here 
and join in myself. I've only been an occasional contributor here 
though several will know me off-list where we exchanged news, sessions 
and quite a lot of CDs.

The proposal to share what Peel files we have is a good one, though it 
doesn't offer us a good source of sharing what is new. I have read 
some of the postings here about what should be done, often by Radio 1, 
to continue what John Peel was doing now that he is dead. I have 
drafted a proposal to members of the list which may interest you, 
which is admittedly quite long (1600 words, or thereabouts), and I am 
therefore hesitant simply to post it to the list in full and clog up 
everyone's inbox. In short, I am suggesting that members of this list 
collaborate on an internet broadcast of our shared tastes and record 
collections, as often as we can. The full version of this proposal has 
been dropped on to a web page, and I invite anyone with the patience 
to read through it to visit here:


No tricks or gimmicks. Just a straightforward page of suggestions. I 
hope some of you will think about it and share your thoughts - on or 
off list.

D Clifford

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