MESmith on Newsnight

gforsyth@... gforsyth@...
Wed Oct 27 00:50:06 CEST 2004

    I was disappointed, to say the least, with Mark E Smith. 

   "The trouble with Smith is he can't even do that with dignity" as a friend
   texted me afterwards. 

    Ungracious, churlish and juvenile were my immediate thoughts.

    It was said today that John Peel had played Teenage Kicks twice in
   succession. I can vividly recall him playing Wah-hey by the Turbines twice
   in a row, then following that with the wonderful intro to the same song.
   Twangy guitar. Fantastic.

     And that's it. Who now will play the new Fall releases?

   George Forsyth 


Whatever you Wanadoo:

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