Garner Book on e-bay

Tom Roche troche@...
Fri Oct 8 02:09:38 CEST 2004

I was on holiday in London in about 1997, and walking through a SoHo bookstore that seemed to specialize in overstock and discount books, there was a 4 foot high stack of unsold Ken Garner Peel Sessions books, for 7 pounds 99 each. 

I bought one for myself, and then thought and thought who else back in the States might want one as a gift, and could think of no one. (Peel listeners in the States, then as now, but even more so in the pre-internet era, are few and far between. Too busy attending G H W Bush rallies I guess.)

I then considered buying more than one copy just for myself, but when you are on holiday you tire of carrying shopping parcels all day. 

36 pounds with 5 days to go. Oh well.

tom r

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