[peel] Sessions Listing

Martin Wheatley martinw@...
Tue Aug 24 19:06:09 CEST 2004

At 18:55 23/08/2004 +0000, you wrote:
 >Sorry to butt in guys ... I was wondering if anyone knew of a
 >resource (on line or otherwise) where I could find a complete list of
 >seesions done for Peel over the years ... and from which I could
 >confirm whether or not a particular session had been given a
 >commercial release (like the 'Strange Fruit' seesion releases from a
 >number of years ago.)I'm particularly interested in mid 80's
 >sessions ... if someone could point me in the right direction, that
 >would be great.

Since no one else has answered ...
The main resource is Ken Garner's book 'In Session Tonight'
which contains details of the Peel sessions up to 1992.
This is long out of print and now very hard to find
Because this is such a comprehensive list no one has done much
online up to then   Session details since 1992 can be found at

People on this list probably can and will answer individual questions
but where to get Ken's book isn't likely to be one of them!


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