[peel] Digest Number 590

MCKINNON Dougal d.mckinnon@...
Tue Feb 25 12:22:35 CET 2003

> meaning "God is bountiful", while "Brenda" is from Norse, 
> meaning "sword", or Gaelic, meaning "raven". How did Brenda 
> get to be short for Elizabeth?
> I have no idea.. its one of those weird things unfathomable 
> things but people christened Elizabeth are often nick named Brenda

I can honestly say that I've known a few people called Elizabeth and
heard them called many things, none of which have been Brenda.  I've
known a couple of people called Brenda because they were, well, called

I remember when Private Eye started calling Princess Diana "Cheryl".
They just did.  There was no reasoning behind it.  It just somehow

dougal mckinnon
Tel: 01782 294832
E-mail: d.mckinnon@...

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