marine research + gedge =

Pitstain pitstain@...
Tue Feb 5 18:56:51 CET 2002

I went digging on the painfully dead marine research website and found this

>'Bad Dreams', the song David Gedge sang on, was originally written to be a
>duet between Calvin and me. In fact I wrote it for Dub Narcotic Sound System
>rather than Marine Research. But somehow I never got around to doing a
>stint as DNSS co-vocalist, and the song reverted to Marine Research.
>Cathy: And will never see the light of day!
>Amelia: So says Cathy. I personally rather like it. I reckon it'll
>probably find it's way onto something or other at some point....

Bad Dreams and Capital L...  those are the songs I'm dying for.

any help would be faaaaantastic.


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