
robert strachan bigmice@...
Wed Jan 17 13:53:11 CET 2001

>    Date: Wed, 10 Jan 2001 16:33:37 +0000 (GMT)
>    From: Jon Gibson <J.Gibson@...>
> Subject: Re: Marlo/Marlow/Marloe?
> I think the band are called Marlowe and have just released an album on
> 4AD. I think they're from Liverpool - I know there is a band called
> Marlowe from Liverpool and I'm assuming they're the same band - 
> it also makes sense if they've released something on Probe Plus. There's
> an indifferent review of the album in this week's Big Issue too.
Sorry to join this one late as I've only just checked my 
mail for the first time in ages. I haven't heard of the 
Marlowe on 4AD but if they exist they're a different band 
to the one that have just released an LP on Probe Plus. The 
probe plus Marlowe are indeed from liverpool and have been 
around for a couple of years- hence they were mightily 
pissed off when the comedy stoke pop group Marlo won the 
BBC light entertainment thingy last year. Anyway, they 
stuck with the name and 'Darksparklecorner' is well worth 
checking out despite the dismal review in the big issue and 
there's a single out in the next couple of months. They 
haven't played live outside the north west much apart from 
a few dates supporting HMHB but I think there's a tour 
planned for the summer. Their singer is also the drummer in 
Fabiola who have a split 7 inch out at the moment on 
SodaStreamPolitics Recordings which Peel has also played 
recently (I must confess that I only know this because I 
run that particular label- shameful self promotion).

Also I think there's a lo-fi outfit from the mid-west of 
the US called marlowe which adds to the confusion.

Anyway does anybody know anything about the 4AD Marlowe?


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