Festive 50

p_reavy p_reavy@...
Thu Dec 6 13:31:22 CET 2001

> I'm not sure I understand the reasons behind boycotting it.  Was
> the F50 ever chosen by just Peel himself?

Not as far as I know. My point is mainly that we rely on the Festive 
50 as a round-up of the what's been on his show that year. But it 
never really is that.

I don't know whether it's because his audience don't go for 
everything he plays, or whether it's because votes statistically tend 
to bland things out.

It's unfortunate to me that all we have as a record of what was on 
Peel's show in 1985, for instance, is the 1985 Festive Fifty which as 
he said himself in print around that time, more or less completely 
left out hiphop.

We rely on Peel as a proxy to scout various things out for us, so why 
not rely on him to summarise these at the end of the year rather than 
getting an averaged out version.

My guess (only a guess) is that he might not mind doing this and that 
he may not be a great fan of the Festive 50 himself.


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