john peel

markl@... markl@...
Tue May 9 01:51:58 CEST 2000

Is it just me or are other people starting to tire of Johns constant 
on air mistakes,it can't be that hard to "do" a radio show,i mean if 
other djs on radio one made so many mistakes they would be fired.Jo 
Whiley rarely makes mistakes and she's been a dj a fraction of the 
time peel has so by all rights he should be making a more 
professional show than her!i don't mean he should include cheesy 
jingles like the other scum on radio one use(i'm talking about chris 
moyles)i just mean playing records at the right speed and simple 
things like that.Still,its the best radio show going despite these 
constant mistakes,but it could be better if he just put some effort 
into "it".Also i know other people love the festive 50,but i wish he 
would do something a little different this year,i don't think i could 
handle another painfully predictable installment!maybe he should do 
his favourite 50 tunes,i'd much prefer to hear that and so would most 
people i know.Please don't reply to this in an insulting way.

      Mark Ledgard

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