More Peterson

Andy Smith andy.smith@...
Tue Jul 18 16:08:04 CEST 2000

Well I don't mind Giles Peterson for a while, like the first two 
records on the first show last week were excellent (some daft
piss-take on Ibiza plus a sort of 70's cop show thing) but after
that it was more of your world-jazz crap. Very very bland and far
too smooth. I got RSI from fast-forwarding through my tapes.
I must be getting very old too, I can't understand his announcements 
at all, I have to listen 3 or 4 times and then I can't figure out 
which bit referred to the artiste and what was the name of the record.
Bring back the old fella. He's a bit rough but that's how we like it.


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