Martin Wheatley martinw@...
Sun Feb 6 23:46:14 CET 2000

pete flynn wrote:
>> Firstly, the Brits is stagnating, with a poor lack of diversity and
>> innovation being shown in the winners.  Aphex Twin and his Rephlex
>> posse
>> will only serve to make it a million trillion times more interesting
>> and
>> they're slightly more deserving then Robbie Williams.

>What is the point of trying to subvert a thoroughly pointless system? 
>Boycott the Brits by not voting, not watching, not caring... spend your 
>time and money on worthwhile music. By trying to fix the outcome of the 
>Brits you are showing them that their opinions and their culture of 
>hollow industry sponsored awards matter, which they do not.


Something must be wrong here.  I actually agree with Stig about something!
The Brits are the worst since each record company just nominates the
artist and record they most want to hype.  We should all have sufficient 
faith in our own judgements to like what we like and not dash out and buy
something because 5 industry lackeys have voted Westside the most original
group in the history of the world ever!    
Belle And Sebastian aren't a better group because someone
managed to fix the system last year and what makes anyone think they'll
let it happen again - we've only got their word on the counting of the
e-mail votes after all
Treat it all with the contempt it deserves.


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