Festive 50 1977

Les Miller Les_Miller@...
Wed Jul 28 17:32:10 CEST 1999

In the early days of  the F50 you could vote for songs from any year. When Peel
got fed up with Anarchy In The UK being at number one it was changed to records
only from the current year. During the change over both types of F50 were
broadcast - I think that was sometime in the early 80's.

Stuart McHugh <smchugh@...> on 28/07/99 16:30:05

Please respond to peel@onelist.com

Sent by:  Stuart McHugh <smchugh@...>

To:   peel@onelist.com
cc:    (Les Miller/GB/3Com)
Subject:  Re: [peel] Festive 50 1977

From: Stuart McHugh <smchugh@...>

>From: Stig <jmsmall@...>
>Stuart McHugh wrote:
>> >> 1996 is particularly 'interesting!'
>> >
>> >You're famous!
>> Oh, the credits? I supplied them with some missing F50 listings
>Why is 1996 so interesting then?

Duh - 19-SEVENTY-6 (1976, that is). The first, and last, one to feature a
load of hippy shite, or at least until the Stone Roses showed up in the
1976 has a solitary appearance for Jonathan Richman around 35 or so, and
sadly there was no 1977 chart, as previously discussed. Which would have
been VERY 'interesting' as the changeover between hippy and punk was in
full flow at that time. I don't know why there was no 1977 chart*, but it
was probably not anything sinister, more likely a scheduling problem like
in the Phantom 50 year.
1978 is also 'interesting' as it sees the aftermath of punk with Led
Zeppelin et al descending down the (all-time) chart.


*ok, I'll ask him. Listen out, kids.

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