Hello Everyone

Culhane, Edward culhanee@...
Mon Feb 8 14:06:21 CET 1999

<color><param>7F00,0000,0000</param>> So, I was away last week and of course missed the Spare Snare session.

> Anyone care to comment - did they for example play tracks from last

> years

> best album, 'Animals and Me'? Or new stuff?

> And (yes, it's the hidden but true purpose of the list, in case you

> hadn't

> guessed) did anyone tape it?

> Cheers

</color>Well I was out so I taped the whole show, well no 90mins of it. So I 
have all the Snare tracks bar one. I will add it to my Peel Sessions 
tape along side Godspeed, Mogwai and the Cuban Boys, its 
shaping up to be a great tape.   

Speaking of things taped did anyone tape the third Festive fifty 
show this year? I got the first 2 and they make fantastic 
compilation tapes. In fact I'am listening to the first one right now, 
Hefner on as we speak, how enjoyable!

<color><param>7F00,0000,0000</param>What do people think of the weekly Peel Acres shows as against 
the London ones?</color>


They are great I think. You always hear something memorable, 
reminding us it's not just the great music we tune in for but Mr. 
Peel's philosophy.

Oh yes and hello everybody my name is Kevin (not Ed.)



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