shameless bum #1

Kevin Culhane culhanee@...
Tue Apr 13 19:23:54 CEST 1999

<color><param>0100,0100,0100</param>I've just started work on a forthcoming new music programme on 
our College radio station. Because of this I have access to Mini-
disc technology. Anyone out their interested in a mini-disc swap so 
we can play what you send us? It will be Post Rock, indie, avant 
garde and some electronica, or anything in general thats good. I 
have a webpage with a list of my record collection I made in a failed 
attempt to get a copy of a rare Beefheart LP. We will be given a 
test run and if it is seen that we are doing something new and 
different then we will go full time. This is where I see you coming in 
to help.

Also if you are involved in a band or label we would love if you 
posted us promos/demos etc.  We can play CD, vinyl, mini-disc 
but tapes only if they are good quality. I'll give the station address 
and webpage URL to anyone who requests it.  

</color>I would like to go into negotiations for a world exclusive d�but radio 
play of the list band.



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